A standing approval can be created and attached to an inspection item of an ITP, so that when the same ITP is linked to other lots, the standing approval can be applied to these generated checklists.
In doing so, there is no need to create multiple approvals for the same inspection item. Standing approvals can be applied to inspections items with the same approval requirement across multiple lots e.g. Construction Procedures, Concrete Mix Designs, Supplier Approvals, Quarry Registration Certificates, Quarry or Material Source Approvals.
Related Link:
Update Checklist based on Standing Approval
There are two parts to this process :
- Part 1 - Creating the Approval
- Part 2 - Linking the Approval to the ITP Inspection item
Part 1 - Creating the Approval
1.1 Navigate to the Checklist register.
1.2 Select the relevant checklist and click on the Lot number to view the inspection items (For this example, we are selecting lot number “EMRWS001”).
1.3a Select the inspection item where the approval is to be created.
1.3b Right click on the inspection item and select “Request Approval”. Alternatively, click on the “Notepad” icon on the right panel to select the same.
1.4 Select the relevant workflow ( e.g. Basic Workflow for HoldPoint ) , the “Addressee” (Approver) and “Person to CCs” (optional). Click “Preview”.
1.5a You can proceed to send the request to the approver by clicking on “Start Workflow”. Refer to “Request Approval for an Inspection”.
Alternatively, you can save your approval to be actioned later. For this example, we click “Save”, then “Close” to exit.
1.5b The Inspection item is now highlighted with a question mark in the “Approve” box. Click “Save and Close”.
Part 2 - Linking the approval to the ITP inspection item
2.1 Navigate to the ITP register. Click on the ITP number to view the inspection items.
Note: The ITP, from Part 1 used in this example, is "Concrete" - MRTS70 and the inspection item is "Concrete not incorporated into works until trial mix completed or ready mixed concrete supplier is approved."
2.2 Select the relevant inspection item and click on the “Chain Link” icon on the right panel. Click on the “+” sign next to “Standing Approvals”.
2.3 Select the Approval that was created in Part 1 from the Approval register. Click “Save”.
Tip: You can identify the relevant approval by its lot number and ITP description under the Subject column. Alternatively, before you attach the approval, navigate to the Approval register and identify the correct approval to link and note down its approval number.
2.4 While still in the ITP register, under the same ITP, select the same inspection item again and under “Standing Approvals”, you can now see the approval in question has been linked to the inspection item in the ITP. Click “Save and Close”.
2.5 When you create another checklist by linking another lot to the same ITP, the standing approval will be automatically linked to the new checklist. Refer to Create Checklists.
If you select the same inspection item within the second checklist and select the Related Items icon on the right panel, you'll be able to see that it is linked to the approval that you created in Part 1. All subsequent checklists created that are linked to the same ITP will also be automatically linked to the same approval.
Note: The inspection item in this checklist will still need to be manually approved once the original standing approval has been approved and updated. Refer to Update Checklist based on Standing Approval.
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