A Control Line is a reference datum used for defining the location of Lots. These are usually defined by survey references, but can also be coordinate systems (such as latitude/longitude) or landmarks.
Control Lines are optional and may not be required for some lots. However, if there are Control Lines for your lots, these must be set up before you create your Lot. Control Lines can be added manually or imported from a CSV file.
This process shows you how to:
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Method 1: Add Manually
1. Navigate to the Control Line register
2. Before you can add or edit, you must “Enable Editing” in your register. Right-click on a row to select “Enable Editing” to add. Alternatively, click on the “Enable Editing” icon at the bottom of the page.
Tip: The Enable Editing shortcut is Ctrl + E. When editing is enabled, the icon is highlighted in blue.
3. Click on a row and the pencil icon will appear next to the row. Type in the Control Line (usually an abbreviation or code) in the first column. Tab to the next column to enter its Description.
Method 2: Import from a CSV file
Ensure that you have created a list of Control Lines and saved it as a CSV file in a folder before you start.
1. In the same register, click on the “Import Control Lines” icon on the main toolbar.
2. The Import Wizard dialog box will pop up. Click “Next”.
3.Select the CSV file from the folder where you saved your file. Click “Open”.
4. Right-click on the header of the first column and select "Control line”. Next, right-click on the header of the second column and select “Description”. Click “Import”.
Note: If your CSV file has a header, tick the box “First row is header”. You’ll still need to update the header for this step.
5. In the next dialog box, click “Finish”
6. The list of Control Lines can now be viewed on your register.
Note: To delete Control Lines from your register, enable editing, select the Control Line ( shift + click to select more than one item), and hit the “Del” on your keyboard.
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