CPX files are files previously exported from CivilPro and then imported to another project ( e.g. exporting from V10 to V11). This is one way where hierarchical data i.e. data containing multiple levels of details can be transferred from one project to another. The ITP register is an example of hierarchical data where each ITP specification has multiple inspection items attached to it.
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1. Navigate to the Specifications (ITP) register
2. Select the "Operations" tab.
Depending on which type of CPX files (v11 or v10) you are importing, proceed as follows:
a) To import CPX v11 files, click on the "CPX IMPORT" icon (Fig 2a) or
b) To import CPX v10 files, click on the dropdown arrow next to "Import (file)" and select "Import (v10 file)" from the dropdown list (Fig 2b)
Fig 2a
Fig 2b
3. Select the CPX file from the folder that you have saved it in and click "Open".
4. You can now view the imported ITPs on your register. To view the details of the ITP, click on “View ITP” on the top toolbar.
5. To change your view to include more information in the columns, you can select “View” and your preferred view e.g. QVC. To save your preferred view, click “Save view” on the toolbar.
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