Before a Test can be requested, it must be added to the ITP. You can do this when creating the ITP or after the ITP has been created.
It is important to note that before adding a Test to your ITP, the Test Method must be added to the Test Method register.
Relevant Links:
1. Navigate to the Specifications ( ITP) register
2. Under the "Operations" tab and select the ITP of which the specification item the test will be added. Click "View ITP" on the top toolbar.
3. Select the relevant inspection item and click on the "Add/View Tests" icon.
Note: You can identify which Specification details have testing specified using the Has Tests? column which is displayed at the right of the ITP grid view.
4. Click on the “Enable Editing” icon at the far-left bottom of the screen or right-click on the row to select the same.
Under the Test Method column, select the relevant Test Method from the dropdown list.
5. Complete the details for the rest of the columns:
- Freq (norm) – the quantity of material for which 1 test is required at normal levels of testing, e.g. if testing is required at 1:1000m3, then this field should be set to 1000
- Freq (red) – the quantity of material for which 1 test is required at reduced levels of testing, e.g. if testing is required at 1:500m3, then this field should be set to 500
- Lot Freq (N) – the minimum number of tests required for each lot at normal levels of testing
- Lot Freq (R) – the minimum number of tests required for each lot at reduced levels of testing
- Unit – the unit on which the Lot Freq is based
- Quantity Basis – the lot property on which the Lot Freq calculations should be based: Schedule Qty, Lot Length, Lot Area or Lot Volume
- Compliance – the result of the test which would indicate compliance with the Specification. This can be formatted as rich text.
Once all the columns have been completed, click on the "X" at the top right corner to close.
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