This process shows you how to change an Approver in an Approval Request that has been sent out.
1. Navigate to the Approval register. Double-click on the approval you want to change.
Tip: If you can't see your approval, ensure your view is not filtered by ticking "All" under the Filters tab and click "Apply".
2. Click on the 'Administration' tab, then 'Make Private'.
3. Click on the “Enable Editing” icon at the bottom of the page. In the "Approvers" field, click on the "X" next to the name. Click "Save".
4. In the "Approvers" field, type the name of the Approver to search and select from the dropdown list. Click "Save".
Note: The Administrator must have invited the new Approver as a User or Associate User and the invitation has been accepted.
5. After the change has been made, click on the 'Administration' tab, then 'Make Public'.
6. On the top toolbar, under the Operations tab, click on "Send Notification".
7. In the "Send Notification Email" dialog box, you will see the new Approver's name in the "Mail To" field. Click "Send". The new Approver will receive the request and be able to action it.
The "Send Email" dialog box will close. Click "Save and close" in the Approval screen to exit.
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