This process shows you how to link any existing CivilPro Records to Existing Teambinder records for Lots and Contacts /Users. This step is essential to identify any matching records between CivilPro and Teambinder, before any synchronization can take place. There are two parts to this process :
2. Match and Link Contacts/Users
Note: Any lots created in CivilPro should only be uploaded to Teambinder when all the work has been completed and validated by an authorised party and conformed. A key user such as a Project Manager or Administrator can be appointed to check and manage the CivilPro-Teambinder synchronization on a regular basis.
Related Links:
Configure Teambinder – Connection and Authentication
Configure Teamfinder – Field Mapping
Use the Teambinder functions in CivilPro
Match and Link Lots
1. Navigate to the Lot register and click on the “Review & Sync” tab.
2. First, check which of the Lots are already linked to existing Teambinder records, by clicking on “Show Teambinder Cols”.
3. Under the “TB Linked” column, you can identify which Lots are linked to Lots in Teambinder by looking at if the boxes are ticked.
4. Select the Lots to be linked (use ‘Shift + Select’ or ‘Ctrl + Select’ for multiple Lots) and click on “Match to Teambinder Lot”.
5. An Operations dialog box will open, showing the list of Lots that you have selected. As an example, the diagrams below show what it looks like for Lots that are linked and Not linked (Note: The diagrams below use a different project and different Lots from pt 4 for illustration purposes)
6. On the Operations dialog box, click on “Find matches”. Any matched Teambinder Lots will be shown in the column “ TB Linked Item”. For example, in the figure below, matches were found for 4 Lots and no match was found for 1 Lot.
For the matched Lots, they will be linked after clicking the “Save” button at the top right corner.
If no match was found, use the “Create New” button on the same screen to create a matched record in Teambinder. Alternatively, you can use the function “Create Lot in Teambinder” on the CivilPro Lot register.
7. After save, the Lots are now linked.
8. On the Lot register, you can also view the linked Lots.
Match and Link Contacts/Users
1. Navigate to the Contacts register and click on ‘Show Teambinder Cols’. Here you can see which of the contacts are not linked to Teambinder.
2. Select the contacts to be linked (use ‘Shift + Select’ or ‘Ctrl + Select’ for multiple contacts) and click on “Match to Teambinder”.
3. On the Operations dialog box, click on “Find matches”.
4. Any matched Teambinder contacts will be shown in the column “TB Linked Item”. For example, in the figure below, matches were found for 2 users and their email address highlighted in blue are shown under the column “TB Linked Item”.
For the matched contacts, they will be linked after clicking the “Save” button at the top right corner.
Note: If there are no matches, it means you will need to access Teambinder outside CivilPro and add the user there. There is no interface in CivilPro to allow the creation of users in Teambinder as this is outside the scope of the CivilPro Teambinder integration.
5. After save, the users are now linked.
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