Document Management (D)
CivilPro has a broad document management functionality including; Contract Notices – Contract notices are used to generate important project documentation that has a consistent layout and content. Approval and Notification Templates / Contract Notice Templates can be made for any documents such as RFIs, Requests for Variation, Site Instructions and Requests for Direction. A contract notice automatically fills out fields in the template with the content of items assigned to the notice as related items. Filestore – Introduced in version 10 and replacing the Lot Docs, the file store is used to store any electronic file. Files in the filestore can be linked to most relevant Civil Pro documents as related items and are commonly used as attachments when generating emails for approval requests and contract notices, and for storing the electronic copy of documents saved in the Controlled Documents register. Controlled Documents – The controlled document register supports tracking of versioned contract documentation such as contract drawings and specifications. It includes distributions and transmittals for these documents, an email log and storage of electronic copies in the filestore.