Please note, this article is only for users with a strong technical background, typically this is something you may want to make your internal IT team aware of. We do not recommend making custom integrations unless you have undertaken similar projects before.
If you want to refer to a more comprehensive guide on API integrations, see User Guide to The API with Postman Scripts.
API URL and Docs
You can interact directly with you API using normal http requests. Your API URL is https://{{company}}
For Example if your account URL is
You will find your API at
You can see the docs for your API at
You can see the public example of this at
We set up our API to use swagger definitions so it is compatible with NSwag studio auto code generation. You can find NSwag Studio download and info here. This is the same tool that our internal development team uses.
Please note, we do not maintain or make public old versions of our API. If we make a change to a public method the easiest way to integrate that change into your custom application will be to use the code generation tool above.
The main method of authenticating with our API is using the /api/Account/Authenticate method. It is the first method listed in the API documentation.
It requires a username and password. The password must be base64 encoded. ie if your password is 'password', then the expected input would be cGFzc3dvcmQ=. Here is a quick tool to help you
The authenticate method will return a Bearer token that will then be used to identify you. The token must then be included in the authorization header of your http request. It should be included in the format -
Bearer {{token}}
(See Below)
Please reach out to our Support Team if you need any further information about Custom Integrations and getting some assistance from our development team.
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