Once you have set up your Contract Notice template, you can proceed to create your Contract Notice.
For this process, we are demonstrating how to create and send a Notice of Variation. The steps will be the same for all Contract Notices.
Related Link:
Set Up Contract Notice Templates
1. In the main menu (after selecting your project), click on “ Document Management”, then “Contract Notices”.
2. Click on the “New Contract Notice” tab
3. Complete the following fields:
- Notice Type - select the relevant template from the dropdown list ( Ref No will auto populates, Response Expected – untick if not relevant)
- Notice To - select from the dropdown list (Note: addressees must either be a full/associate user, or a Contact in your Contact Register. A recent new feature allows you to send to Groups. To learn how, refer to "Create Groups" and "Use Groups" ).
- On Behalf Of – select from the dropdown list ( if you have inserted the fields : {{CN_On_Behalf_Of}},
{{CN_On_Behalf_Of_Company}}, this will show your Name and Company)
- Date Required - the date a response is expected
- Notes – add notes if applicable
Click “Next”.
4. Here, you can see the template that you’ve selected. You can edit or insert text in the message or use the template as it is.
Click “Save”.
5a. Now, you have to link the Contract Notice to your Variation, Lot, Approval, etc depending on which auto complete fields that you have used in your template, so that these fields can pick up the data from your project.
As we are creating a Notice of Variation for this process, we will link this Contract Notice to a Variation that has been created.
Select the Contract Notice e.g. NOV, and click on the “Link” icon on the right panel. Click on the “+” under Variations.
5b. Select the Variation and click “Save”
5c. You can now see the Variation has been linked.
6a . Click into your Contract Notice again and click on the “ Notepad” icon on the left panel.
You can complete the following action one at a time:
- Render – sets in place the field place holders ready for publishing ( Note : you can still edit the other text after rendering).
- Publish – once published, the notice is locked and cannot be edited
- Email – to generate the email and send the contract notice to the addressee
Or you can action the three steps in one click by clicking on “Email” straightaway which will automatically render, publish and generate the email.
6b. Once you click on the email, the following dialog box will appear. Here, all the auto complete fields will be replaced with the actual data. Review the contents of your email. You can also attach a file with your email here. Scroll down to the bottom and click on the “Send Notification” tab.
7. Click “Save”.
8. The Contract Notice, in this case, the Notice of Variation, will be sent to the addressee.
9a. Once you have received a response, you can update your Contract Notice. Open the Contract Notice and select the "Responses" tab. Click on the "Add Response" tab.
9b. Complete the following fields :
- Person to Action
- Date Action Required By
- Add a message
Click "Save".
10. Once the response has been resolved, you can mark it as "Complete". In the same "Responses" tab, select the response, and click on the "Mark Complete" tab.
Click "Save".
11. Alternatively, if no response is required, you can just close out the Contract Notice. Open the Contract Notice and in the "Details" tab, click on the “Notepad” icon on the right panel, then “Enter Closeout”.
Click "Save".
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