Contacts are persons who may be assigned responsibility for items in CivilPro or may have documentation otherwise associated with them, but who do not require to log in, e.g., someone whom you send a Contract Notice, Test Request, etc. Contacts are project specific.
Note: If you are adding someone as a user or associate user, you do NOT have to add them in your Contacts register. When they have become a user, they will be automatically added to your Contacts register.
Important : If you have added a person in the Contacts register before inviting them as a user, you'll need to delete the person or remove the email address from the Contacts register as the system will direct the user to login instead of the profile setup screen.
1. Navigate to the Contact register
2. Click on “Add Contact” and enter the details of the Contact in the “New Contact” dialog box.
Click “OK”.
Note: the fields highlighted in blue are mandatory.
3. You can now view the new contact on your Contacts register.
Note: Both users and contacts are displayed on this register, however, Contacts will not have their boxes ticked under the column “User?”.
4. To delete a Contact, select the Contact and click on "Delete Contact" on the top toolbar.
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