This process shows you how to create a Progress Claim based on the quantities of work completed. Before you create your Progress Claims, you must set up your Quantities register by assigning Quantities to Lots (for Lot-based /QA backed claims) or adding Floating Quantities (for claims relating to general project administrative expenses).
To familiarize yourself with CivilPro Progress Claims concepts, please refer to the following articles:
Progress Claim Concepts and Terms
Related Links:
Assign Quantities to Lots /Add Floating Quantities (D)
View, Update and Generate Reports for Progress Claims
1. Navigate to the "Progress Claims" register.
2. Click on "New report period" on the bottom toolbar. Alternatively, you can click on the same on the top toolbar under the "Operations" tab.
3. Complete the following fields in the "New Reporting Period" dialog box
- Report Period End Date – usually the end of the current month for monthly report period
- Reporting Period Name – the current month and year, by default, but can be customized manually
Click "Create".
4. Double-click on the Report Period on the register to open the "New claim" dialog box. (Alternatively, under the " Views" tab, click on " View claim detail").
Complete the following fields:
- Claim Cutoff Date - the Cutoff date for the progress claim
- Forecast Completion Date for the progress claim
- Previous Report Period - the reporting period immediately prior to this one. The certified quantities from the previous period will be used to calculate the ‘this month’ (periodic) values. If this is the first claim for the project, then leave this field blank.
- Create Quantity Snapshot– select if you are tracking Lot Quantities and wish to use them to calculate your Quantity to Date. ( Note: if you select this option, there will be one step to complete - see Step 5)
- Claim Qty – these options set the values for the Claim quantity for each item in the claim, (if you need to do this after creating the Claim, this can also be done then).
And select from these options:
a) Do not set - for lump sum claims not based on quantities e.g. Variation expenses
b) Set to quantity snapshot - the quantity for each Schedule Item will be set to the sum of its Lot Quantities
c) Set to previous period claim qty – set the New Claim Quantity equal to the claim quantity from the previous period
d) Set to previous period cert qty – set the New Claim Quantity equal to the certified quantity from the previous period
For this example, we are selecting “Set to quantity snapshot” for Claim Quantity.
Click "Next".
5. If you did not select to use Lot Quantities in the screen, then the Progress Claim will be created and opened. ( Go straight to Step 8)
If you are using Lot Quantities, then there is one more step as Civil Pro builds a snapshot
In the "Snapshot Options" dialog box, tick the boxes:
- Claim Cutoff Date – this is the same date from the previous form – repeated from the previous form for reference
- Show Only Quantities up to Cutoff date– selecting this will mean that any lots not having the required status at the cutoff date will not have their quantities included in the snapshot.
- Set Claim Qty to Snapshot– when the snapshot has been created, the quantity for each Schedule Item will be set to the sum of its Lot Quantities only if this is selected.
- Include Open / Guaranteed / Conformed Lots– dictates which Lot Quantity statuses are included when calculating the quantity for each Schedule Item.
Click "Create".
Note: The snapshot will include every Lot Quantity for Lots of all status up to the cutoff date (or beyond if not selected), regardless of what statuses are included. The status options are only used for calculating the total of each Schedule Item.
6. You'll be prompted with the option to unguarantee Lots older than 30 days? Select Yes or No based on your project requirements.
7. Confirm that you want to add the quantities visible in your snapshot. Click "Yes" to continue, or "No" to change.
8. You can now see the Progress Claims for your current report period on your register.
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