The Checklist Progress tool offers users an additional option from the ITP register to view and monitor the progress of their checklists of a particular ITP across many Lots.
It allows users to track the progress of all the checklists, related to a particular Specification (ITP), linked to different Lots, all in a single screen.
It is important that you are familiar with ITPs and understand how checklists are created before you use the ITP Progress Matrix.
Note: This feature is currently available only on CivilPro Desktop V12.
Related Links:
Inspection Test Plan (ITP) / Specifications Register
Instructions :
1. Navigate to “Spec and Conformance”, then “Specifications (ITP)”.
2. On the ITP register, select the particular ITP that you want to track and click on the “Report” tab, then “Checklist Progress” on the top toolbar.
3. A dialog box called “ITP Progress” will pop up. You can see the selected ITP is displayed in the ITP field, followed by the Revision field.
You can select which revision ( if any) to view, and edit your views by ticking the options for your lots and inspections :
- Unconformed Only
- HP
- WP
- Check
Click “Get Status Matrix” to generate the ITP Progress matrix.
4. Here, you can view the status of the inspection points of each checklist under each Lot. The Column Key section below the matrix provides the detailed descriptions of each inspection items on the matrix ( starting from the numbered columns 1,2,…etc )
You can also click on the highlighted links to open and view the approval requests.
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