What is a Controlled Document Transmittal?
A Controlled Document Transmittal is a record of the distribution of a controlled document.
The Controlled Document Transmittal feature is used in tandem with the Controlled Document register to ensure all relevant project documents and their subsequent revisions are distributed to the related contacts/users.
Once you have added your documents in the Controlled Document register and linked them to a distribution list, you can manage the distribution using the Controlled Document Transmittal register.
Note: Creating a transmittal record does not mean that the contacts have been notified. To notify the contacts, you’ll need to use the “Notify” tab.
What is the purpose of the Controlled Document Transmittal?
The Controlled Document Transmittal register allows you to track and record which project documents (including any subsequent revisions) have been sent to whom. The register also has a “Notify” tool that you can use to send the emails to advise contacts of the document updates and get them to acknowledge receipts.
How to Set Up?
You can refer to the following process :
Using the Controlled Document Transmittals (D)
Note: This feature is currently available only on CivilPro Desktop.
Tips for users:
- Always add your Controlled Documents (including revisions) first before you start using the transmittal.
- You can print the transmittal acknowledgement form and notify contacts using the tools in the transmittal register.
- You can update the description of your transmittal item on the register, if required.
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