Once you have set up your ITP register and created a Work Lot, you can proceed to link your ITP to the Lot which will create a Checklist for the Lot.
There are two ways to attach an ITP to a Lot:
- From the Lot Register
- From the Checklist Register
Tutorial Video
Method 1: From the Lot Register
1. Under Quality Assurance, select “Lot Register”
2. Select the Lot by clicking on it.
On the right panel, click on the “Related Items” icon.
Under “Checklists”, click on the + sign.
3. Click on the circled + sign of the ITP to attach. Click “Save”.
4. The attached ITP can now be viewed under “Checklists” (ensure the relevant Lot is selected).
(Note: You can also unlink the ITP here by clicking on the icon next to it.)
Method 2: From the Checklist Register
1. Under Quality Assurance, select “Checklists”
2. Click on “Add Checklist”
3. Select from the dropdown lists:
- Lot Number
Click “Create”.
4. Click on the “Printer” icon to download or print the checklist .
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