Before you can create Lots, you will need to set up your Work Type and Area Code registers as the minimum required details for your Lot. If Control Lines are available, you can also set this up, however, this can be added after you have created the Lot.
Relevant Links:
Note : The Tag Code feature is being reviewed and currently not ready for use. Will provide update once it's available.
Tutorial Video:
1. Under Quality Assurance, select “Lot Register”
2. Click on “New Lot”
3. In the “Work Type” and “Area Code” fields, select the codes relevant to your Lot from the dropdown lists, and enter a “Description” for your Lot. Click “Next”.
4. Select the date from the dropdown calendar for “Date Work Started”.
Optional: Update the Level of Testing from Normal to Reduced, if this is applicable to the Lot.
Click “Next”.
5. Select the “Type of Geometry” that you are using for your Lot :
a) Chainage – select the relevant Control Line and enter the details of your chainage and offset (Figure 5a) or, (Note : The Start Chainage must be smaller than the End Chainage)
b) Coordinates Position/ Coordinates Region – click on the + sign and enter the coordinates of the latitude and longitude. You can also enter the location of your Lot or use your mouse to zoom in on the map (Figure 5b)
(Note: If you don’t have the details of your Geometry, you can select “No Geometry”. You can always complete this later.)
Click Next.
Figure 5a - Chainage
Figure 5b – Coordinates Position / Region
6. If you have set up a Custom Register, you can select the Custom Register Value here. Refer to the “Set Up Custom Registers” process. Skip if this doesn't apply. Click “Next”.
7. You can review the details of your Lot here. To go back to previous screens to make changes, click on the “Back” tab.
Click “Save” to proceed with creating the new Lot.
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