The Lot Register has several functions for managing your Lots. Check the following before updating the Lot Status:
- if all the items in the checklist have been checked, verified and approved
- if NCRs have been approved and closed out
- if all test requests have been performed and their results received
A Conformed Lot is a completed Lot for which all testing has been performed and results received demonstrating compliance, all Checklists are completed and any NCRs are closed out.
1) When you "Close" a Lot, it does NOT mean that it is conformed. It merely records a closed date on the Lot. This option is provided only as an additional field for marking dates for administrative purposes, and it's up to each organization on how they want to use this. Unless there is a special requirement in your project workflow, conforming a Lot is sufficient to indicate that all work is completed and all issues are resolved within that Lot.
2) On some projects, your Project Administrator may allow Lots to be conformed under a few exceptional circumstances by adjusting the project settings. Please consult your Project Administrator if required.
A Guaranteed Lot is a completed Lot that complies with the Specification but is waiting on some results of testing (such as 28 day concrete tests) or other information.
An Open Lot is an incomplete Lot which is not Conformed, Guaranteed or Rejected.
A Rejected Lot is a lot that due to some reasons has been rejected and depending on your project workflows may require further review.
Optional - if Pre-Open Status is enabled by your Administrator:
A Pre-Opened Lot is a Lot that has been created but work has not started, meaning there is no "Work Started Date" assigned to the Lot. This option is usually used by project managers if they wish to distinguish Lots that are opened but work has not started from those that have work started, especially for reporting purposes.
Statusing your lots is necessary to produce an accurate progress claim.
Note: Your administrator must have assigned you the access and authority to conform lots before you can update lot status.
This process shows how to:
1) Check All Items Related to a Lot
Relevant Links:
Check All Items Related to a Lot
1. Under Quality Assurance, select “Lot Register”.
2. Click on the box next to the Lot to select the Lot that you want to check and update. Click on the “Chain” icon on the right panel.
3. From the “Related Items” panel, you can see all the checklists, NCRs and test requests associated with this Lot. You can click on each of these links to view their progress i.e. if they have been checked, verified, approved, etc.
Update Lot Status
4. To conform or guarantee a Lot, select the Lot and click on the Notepad icon on the right panel. Click on “Guarantee” or “Conform” from the list. (Alternatively, you can right click on the Lot, then “Lot Status” to select the same).
Note: If your Lot has any outstanding NCR or Test Request, you’ll get a message that these need to be approved or completed before you can conform the Lot. However, you can still guarantee the Lot if the Lot is completed and in compliance with the ITP specifications but with some test results outstanding due to long lead times.
5. Once your Lot has been conformed or guaranteed, you can view the updated status of the lot in the Lot register. Conformed Lots are denoted by green squares and Guaranteed Lots, blue squares.
Note: All conformed or guaranteed lots are automatically assigned 100% complete.
6a. If your Lot is not completed or demonstrated as fully compliant with the specifications, but you have an agreement with your client that allows you to claim Work in Progress, you can enter a percentage complete for either the Lot as a whole or for individual Quantities.
To enter a completed percentage in an Open lot, click on the 3 Dots icon on the right panel, then select “Show Percentage Complete”. (Alternatively, you can right -click on the Lot to select the same).
6b. Under %Complete column, you can manually enter a completed percentage in the field next to the relevant Lot. Click “Save”.
Note: This page will display all Open lots.
7. To add the %Complete column to your register, click on the inverted triangle at the top right corner and select “Column Chooser”. From the dropdown list , scroll down to the “ %Complete” tab and click and drag it to the Headings bar.
You can also save this as a Custom View.
8. You can generate the Conformance Report for one or more Lots ready to be signed off.
Select the Conformed Lot(s) and click on the “Printer” icon on the right panel.
Click on “Conformance Report” and open the PDF copy to download.
Undo Lot Status
9. There are also options to undo a status of a Lot. Select a Lot, click on the Notebook icon on the right panel and select the relevant "Undo Status" option. Alternatively, right-click on the selected Lot , hover your mouse over "Lot Status" and select from the dropdown list.
Note: Unguarantee by Age - this is used to remove the Guarantee date for any Lot that was guaranteed longer than a set number of days previously. The set number of days for unguarantee lots is set by your Administrator in Project Settings.
Activate Pre-opened Lots
10. If Pre-Open status is enabled by your Administrator, when a Lot is created without a 'Work Started Date", it is assigned a "Pre-Open" status.
To assign a "Work Started Date" to the Lot which will switch the status from "Pre-Open" to "Open", select the relevant Lot and click on the Notepad icon on the right panel and select "Activate". (Alternatively, right-click on the Lot, select Lot Status, then Activate).
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