Before you can assign quantities to lots, you must set up the Schedule Items register and create the Lots. Quantities with a Lot reference are known as Lot Quantities. In some cases, the quantities do not have a Lot reference and these are called Floating Quantities.
Lot-based Quantities can be added from the Lot Register or Quantity Register. Floating Quantities can only be added from the Quantity Register.
Relevant Links:
Method 1: From the Lot Register ( Lot Quantities only)
1. Under Quality Assurance, select “Lot Register”.
2. Select the relevant Lot, click on the “Chain” icon on the right panel and then, the + sign next to “Quantities”.
3. Select the schedule item by clicking on it. Click “Next”.
4. Complete the followings :
- Quantity – Enter the quantity manually (Alternatively, use the blue tabs to set the full schedule quantity or the remaining schedule quantity).
- Preliminary – Select “Yes” only if the quantity entered is just an estimate and unconfirmed
- Non-claimable and Reduced Payment Factor - refer to the article “Quantities Register” on how to apply these
- Comments – Enter additional notes, if applicable
Click “Save and Exit” (To add more, click “Save and Add More”).
5. You can now view the linked Quantity in the Lot register (Fig 5) and the Quantity register (Payment > Quantities).
Note: To unlink it, click on the “Cancel Link” icon next to Quantities.
Fig 5
Method 2 – From the Quantity Register ( Lot Quantities and Floating Quantities)
1. Under Payment, select “Quantities”
2. Select “New Quantity”
3. Complete the followings:
- Type – Select the “Lot Quantity” or “Floating Quantity”
- Schedule Item – Select the schedule item from the dropdown list ( click on the “ >” next to the Heading to view and select the “Child” items)
- Lot Test (for Lot Quantity only)– Select the Lot relating to the quantity
- Description (for Floating Quantity only) – Add a description for the Floating Quantity
- Quantity – Enter the quantity manually (Alternatively, use the blue tabs to set the full schedule quantity or the remaining schedule quantity).
- Preliminary - Select “Yes” if the quantity entered is just an estimate and unconfirmed
- Non-claimable and Reduced Payment Factor - refer to the article “Quantities Register” on how to apply these
- Comments – Enter additional notes, if applicable
Click “Save”.
4. You can now view the added quantity in the Quantity register. For Lot Quantity, this can also be viewed in the Lot Register (refer to Method 1 - Step 5).
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