Schedule Items (also known as Payment Items) are compiled and listed in the Payment Schedule which forms the basis of payment under the contract for your project.
In CivilPro Cloud, Schedule Items can be added individually but more commonly, they are imported as a CSV file. It is essential that before the Schedule Items are imported, the file is prepared in the standard format to ensure all the values will be captured correctly and work properly in CivilPro Cloud. Please read these articles to help you prepare your files for importing.
This process shows you how to :
Relevant Links:
Tutorial Video:
Note : Post-Video Update - Schedule Items is now under "Financials Setup", not QA Setup.
Method 1: Add Schedule Item
1. Under Financials Setup, select “Schedule Items”
2. Click on “New Schedule Item”
3. Enter the details in the fields. Click "Save".
- When you have added more related scheduled items, you can use the “Placed Under” field to create a "Parent and Child" structure to organize the items ( a quicker way to do this is shown in Method 2 - 4b)
- DJC Total and Sell Total will auto populate based on the Scheduled Quantity and DJC/Sell Rate entered.
- DJC Rate = Direct Job Costs Rate - skip this field if your Schedule Items do not include this item
4. After the new schedule item has been added, you can link it to related items such as Quantities, ITP, Work Types or Variations. Select the Schedule Item to link, click on the “Related Items” icon. Click on the + sign to proceed.
Method 2: Import Schedule Items
1. On the right panel, click on the “inverted triangle” icon, and select “Import Schedule(.csv)”.
2. There are two ways to import :
a) Import from Clipboard (directly from Excel or CSV)
b) Import from File (CSV file only)
2a) Import from Clipboard (directly from Excel or CSV)
Open your Excel/CSV file and select the data that you are importing. Right click to select “Copy”. Click on the “IMPORT FROM CLIPBOARD” tab to import.
2b) Import from File (CSV file only)
2b-i) Click on the “IMPORT FROM FILE” tab to select the file from your folder or use the Drag and Drop option.
2b-ii) Before you import the file, you must have already created and saved a copy of your CSV file in a designated folder. Select the file from your folder and click “Open” as shown below.
3a) Click on each Heading and select the title from the dropdown list that fits the data in that column. In this example, the Headings will be updated as follows:
- Value 1 - Schedule Number
- Value 2 – Description
- Value 3 – Qty Scheduled
- Value 4 – Unit
- Value 5 – DJC Rate (DJC Rate = Direct Job Costs Rate - skip this heading if your Schedule Items do not include this item)
- Value 6 – Sell rate
Click “Import”.
3b) Once imported, the “Markup” column will be added based on the calculation between the DJC Rate and Sell Rate. (Note : This is the default view in the Schedule Register, refer to Step 5 on how to add columns).
4. After importing, we can further organize the schedule as follows:
a) Define Headings
b) Create Structure
c) Prepend Characters
4a-i) Define Headings
Select all the items that you are assigning as headings.
Note : If all the headings in your list have zero quantities and/or sell rates, you can select the entire list by clicking on "Schedule Number" in the Headings toolbar( in grey).
Click on the “Notepad” icon on the right panel, and select “Define Headings” ( you can also right-click on the selected area and select “Schedule Operations”, then “Define Headings”).
4a-ii) In this example, the Schedule Items with zero Quantities and Sell rates will be assigned as Headings, hence the boxes are ticked for :
- Set Rows with 0 Sell Rate to Headings
- Set Rows with 0 Quantity to Headings
Click “Save”.
4a-iii) If there are empty rows, you can delete these by selecting them and click on the “Notepad” icon and then, “Delete Selected” (you can also right-click on the selected items to do the same).
4b-i) Create Structure
You can subcategorize the schedule items by creating a Parent and Child relationship between the items.
Select the Child items for each category by ticking the boxes next to them. Hover your mouse over the selected items until a cross icon appears, left-click and hold to drag all the items to the Parent item.
4b-ii) Repeat the same steps for all the other items. Click on the side-arrow to reveal the Child items.
Note: You can click on each Schedule Number or the “Click to Edit” link (in blue) to edit each item, such as to select Payment Type or update the Rates or Quantity.
To unlink the Child item from the Parent, click on the Schedule Number of the Child item and click on the X sign in the “Placed Under” field. Click “Save”.
4c-i) Prepend Characters
If you have two schedules (e.g. Schedule A and B) for one project and wish to differentiate the items according to each schedule, you can prepend a character as the schedule identifier to each of the items easily. In the example below, we are prepending the letter A to “Contractor’s Site Facilities and its Child items” as they come under Schedule A.
First, select all the items to prepend. On the right panel, click on the “Notepad” icon and select “ Prepend Characters”. (Alternatively, right-click on the selected area and click on “Schedule Operations” and select “Prepend Characters”).
4c-ii) Enter the character to prepend and tick the box for “include Subitems”. Click “Save”.
4c-iii) You can now see the all the selected items ( both Parent and Child items) have been prepended with the letter “A” under Schedule A. Repeat the same steps for the other schedule ( in this example, prepend B for all the items under Schedule B).
Note: To remove the Prepended character, select the items to remove and select "Strip Leading Characters" from the same menu list.
5. You can also add columns to your Register view by clicking on the "inverted triangle" at the top right corner and select "Column Chooser". Drag the tab (Column Heading, e.g. DJC Rate) that you want to add, to the Headline bar (in blue).
Note: This view is only temporary and will return to the default view once you exit the register.
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