Before you can create Lots, you will need to set up your Work Type and Area Code registers as the minimum required details for your Lot. If Control Lines are available, you can also set this up, however, this can be added after you have created the Lot.
Relevant Link:
1. Navigate to the Lot Register.
2. Click " New Lot" at the bottom of the screen.
3. In the “Work Type” and “Area Code” fields, select the codes relevant to your Lot from the dropdown lists. Select the Geometry Type, if applicable. Enter a “Description” for your Lot. Click “Next”.
Note: If you select Coordinate Position or Region as your Geometry, you'll be given the option to specify your Chainage.
4. Select your Level of Testing, and if you have chosen Chainage as your Geometry Type in the previous screen, you can enter the details for your Level Reference (Nominal Thickness, Base and Top Level).
You can complete the "Work Started" date now or later. The rest of the fields are related to Lot Statusing which are not applicable at this stage.
Click "Next".
5a. If you have selected chainage for your Geometry, select the relevant" Control Line' from the dropdown list.
Enter the details of your chainage and offset. Click "Next".
Note: The Start Chainage must be smaller than the End Chainage.
5b. If you have selected " Coordinate Position" or "Coordinate Region" for the Lot Geometry, enter the coordinates of the latitude and longitude. Click "Next".
6. CivilPro will calculate the Lot Area, Volume and Length (AVL) from the geometry provided, if possible. However, if the Lot has an irregular shape and there is insufficient information to calculate the AVL, you can override the calculations and enter more accurate data.
Tick the box for "AVL Override" and manually enter the details for AVL. Click "Next".
7. Enter any additional notes required for the Lot. Click "Save & Finish".
8. The Lot is now created and can be viewed on your Lot register.
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