What is an Approval?
An approval is simply the permission given by an authorized person ( namely the approver) to proceed to the next step or stage of work. It starts with the requester generating an approval request and sending it to the approver, who then reviews the information presented and decides what action to take, for example, whether to approve, request for more information, or reject the request
What are the purposes of the Approval Register?
The Approval Register displays all the approvals that have been created for your project . It provides a summary of the key details of each approval such as the approval category ( e.g. Hold or Witness Point, NCR, Purchase Order,etc), the requester, the approver, date requested and its current status.
The Approval Register allows you to quickly check which approval is still pending, needs follow-up, and so on.
How to create Approvals?
Depending on what type of approval that you are requesting, select the appropriate register to generate the related approval request. For example, if you are creating an approval request for an NCR, navigate to the NCR register.
- Checklist Register - Hold Point, Witness Point approvals
- NCR Register - NCR approvals
- Purchase Order Register - PO approvals
- Approval Register - Independent approvals ( which replaces the pre-V11 Authority to Proceed)
Request Approval for an Inspection
Request Approval for an Inspection (D)
Tips for Users:
- Before you can create any approval request, you will need to set up at least the basic workflows for approvals. See Create Basic Workflows for Approvals / Create Basic Workflows for Approvals (D).
- While most approvals can be actioned with the basic workflows, there are options for you to adapt and customize the approval workflows to your project requirements. See Create Advanced Workflows for Approvals / Create Advanced Workflows for Approvals (D).
- You can change an Approver in an Approval Request that has been sent out. See Change an Approver in an Approval Request / Change an Approver in an Approval Request (D).
- There is an option to change the current status of an approval request such that it reverts to its previous status. In CivilPro, this is known as Short Circuit an Approval and can happen for various reasons, for example, an approval has been rejected in error and needs to be rectified. See Short Circuit an Approval (Revert to Previous Status) / Short Circuit an Approval (Revert to Previous Status) (D)
- There is an option to bypass the approval workflow in exceptional cases where the review process needs to be managed outside CivilPro. It is available on a checklist item or an NCR and is usually performed when evidence of approval is available from outside the Civil Pro system. See Set Manual Approval and Close Out NCR / Set Manual Approval and Close Out NCR (D).
- An approval can also be reassigned to another requester in the event that the original requester is away and another person is taking over the approval and need to resubmit it. See Reassign an Approval to a new Requester / Reassign an Approval to a new Requester (D).
- Purchase Order approvals can only be approved by a user with sufficient purchasing limit which is set up by the Administrator in the user’s role. A user’s limit is the maximum PO limit assigned to them across all of the roles on the project. When a user actions or short circuits a step, approval or completion actions/steps will be removed if the user has insufficient PO limit, even if they otherwise would be permitted to complete the step through normal approval permission workflow.
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