What is an ITP?
Inspection Test Plans are a set of specifications detailing the requirements for acceptance of each lot of work delivered under the contract of a project. Each ITP is a list of actions associated with each type of activity that includes responsibility, specification reference and the method of verification.
From The ITP, a checklist is created by linking the ITP to a Lot. The checklist is then used in the field to verify and record by the person responsible if the work completed have conformed with the specifications.
Note: Once a checklist is created, any updates on the checklist does not change the ITP from which it is created. The ITP and the checklist are two separate templates. Hence, the same ITP can be used to create multiple checklists as required for the same type of activity under different lots or projects.
What are the purposes of the ITP Register?
The ITP register holds all the specifications required for your project. On the register, you can link the ITP to Schedule items.
Each ITP is identified by an ITP Doc No, a key Description, a Specification Reference associated with TMR (Department of Transport and Main Roads, QLD) specifications and a corresponding Checklist Doc No.
Each ITP can have multiple inspection items, with the option to add new inspection items and any associated tests.
How to create ITPs?
Tips for Users
- A repository of ITPs (based on TMR specifications) is provided by CivilPro which you can import to your project. See Import ITP from existing projects in CivilPro ( Repository) / See Import ITP from existing projects in CivilPro ( Repository) (D).
- You can also import ITP from your own CSV file. See Import ITP from CSV files.
- From users who were previously using CivilPro V10 and had created ITPs in CPX files, you can also import these into your project. See Import ITPs from CPX files (D).
- You also have the option to add tests to ITP. See Add Tests to ITP / Add Tests to ITP (D).
- You can create and link a standing approval to an ITP’S inspection item so that when the same ITP is linked to other lots, the standing approval can be applied to these generated checklists. See Create and Link Standing Approvals to ITP .
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