Note: The ATP register is a legacy feature from the earlier CivilPro version whose function is now replaced by the Approval register. For new projects, approvals can be created within the checklists and managed via the Approval register. See Using the ITP Checklist. This article is retained for the benefit of users who had created ATPs from their previous projects on the earlier version of CivilPro.
The Authority to Proceed (ATP) is used to record requests to third parties for inspections and approvals – generally in accordance with contract requirements. As well as providing a platform for formalizing the approval process, it also provides a way of proving the timing of requests which can be important when notification periods are required (and enforced) by the client. If your project is proceeding in a cooperative manner then this functionality of Civil Pro may not be required. If you are using Civil Pro Mobile, the Approval Request/Response System generally replaces this functionality in most cases.
The ATP register is accessed from the Quality Assurance section of the Main Menu.
ATP Fields
- ATP Number – a sequential number for each project (generated automatically)
- Description – a description of the individual items to inspect
- Date Submitted – the date the ATP was submitted
- Time Submitted – the time the ATP was submitted
- Requested By – the user creating the ATP
- Date Response Required – the date a response to the ATP with approval or otherwise is expected
- Sent To – the person to whom the ATP is addressed
- Approved? - this is a READ-ONLY field. Use the option in the Operations tab to set approval.
ATP Inspection item fields
- Lot – the lots to be inspected
- Item to Inspect – the detail of what is to be inspected for the Lot (a brief description)
- Date to Inspect – the date the item will be ready for inspection
- Time to Inspect – the time the item will be ready for inspection
- Approved By – the person approving the item
- Approval Comments – any comments or conditions relating to the approval
- Date Approved – the date the inspection item was approved
Adding a new ATP
To create a new ATP, click on the New ATP button under the Operations heading in the Ribbon Menu or at the bottom of the screen. This will start the new ATP Wizard. As with all Civil Pro forms, only the coloured fields are required.
The new ATP wizard
- When the New ATP Wizard starts, you will be prompted to specify the person the ATP is to and the description. The remaining fields are completed automatically. Enter the data and click Next.
- The next screen prompts for a list of items requiring approval as part of this ATP. You can add as many items as you need to. You can even use this list to specify a schedule of inspections for an inspector, with the time field being used to identify when they are required at each site. Complete the applicable fields, and click Next.
- Review the summary and either click Finish to complete, or click the back arrow button in the top left to return to previous page.
Updating an ATP
To update an ATP:
- Enable Editing using the button at the bottom left end of the screen, or use the Context Menu option to do the same. Then directly update data in the grid.
- Update any field directly in the Detail Panel. If the Detail Panel is not visible, double click any record to show it.
The inspections for each ATP can be edited using the Detail Panel. Under the ATP Details in the Panel, a grid displays the inspections where they can be updated.
Updating the ATP number
If you need to edit the ATP Number:
- Select the ATP you wish to edit from the register.
- Select the Edit ATP Number function from the Ribbon Menu under the Operations heading.
- Edit the ATP Number to the desired, unique ATP number.
Note: You can also update the ATP number from within the ATP detail screen. Double click on the ATP you wish to edit from the register. This will open the details screen at the bottom of the page. From within this screen right click on the white area to bring up the Context Menu and select Edit ATP No.
Deleting an ATP
To delete a record:
- enable editing and select the record to delete,
- press the delete key.
Related Items
ATPs are linked to Lots during their creation. These relationships are listed in the Related Items Panel and can be added/deleted as described in the Adding, Updating and Deleting topic.
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