What is the Lot Register ?
The Lot Register captures all the work lots that are created for a project. A Work Lot is a parcel of work primarily defined by its area of work and work type. Each Lot is uniquely identified by its Lot Number.
What are the purposes of the Lot Register?
The Lot Register allows the progress tracking of your work lots and its related items. Here, you can create new Lots, update their status as they progress in your project e.g. Conformed, Guaranteed, Rejected. You can also customize and generate various reports such the conformance report here as well as view its linked items e.g. Checklists, Test Requests, Approvals, etc.
How to Set Up?
Tips for Users:
- The Lot Register can be used to add Lot-based quantities . Lot quantities are records of the amount of each schedule item in terms of the level of work completed within a Lot. See also Add Lot-based quantities (D) for desktop.
- Once a lot is created, you can add a checklist for that lot by linking it to an ITP. See Create Checklists / Create Checklists (D).
- You can also attach documents to a Lot including spreadsheets, Word documents, PDFs or images. See Upload Files to Filestore / Upload Files to Filestore (D).
- As your project progresses, you can update the status of your Lot and also undo the status if something changes in the Lot. See Manage Lot Status / Manage Lot Status (D).
- As with most registers in CivilPro, you can filter your search, create and save custom views of your register. See Set Up and Save Custom Views in Registers / Set Up and Save Custom Views in Registers (D).
- You can also use Custom Registers to customize your Lot number. See Create Custom Lot Numbers Using Custom Registers / Create Custom Lot Numbers Using Custom Registers (D).
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