You must be an Administrator to be able to access and edit project settings. In Project Settings, you can do the followings:
- Set your Project timezone
- Upload your Project Logo
- Set parameters around Lot, Checklist and ITP
- Set GST rate for claims
1) After signing in to a project, click on the third icon from the left on the top toolbar, then select "Project Settings" from the dropdown menu.
2) Under the "Project" tab, you can update the followings:
- Disabled Registers - Option to hide Disable Menus Options in Project Navigation. If " Hide" is turned on, users will not be able to see disabled menu options.
- the File Repository – this is a read-only feature and is included for backward compatibility. It should never be set on production projects as it overrides the system setting and can lead to loss of filestore documents.
- DMS (Document Management System) Auto CC email - option to copy a Project Key Person (e.g. the Project Manager) all the emails related to this project by adding their email address here (Multiple emails can be added using a comma).
- Email size limits - these are set to the default sizes and changing these could impact your email attachments. Please consult our Support team before you made any changes.
- Default Project Culture (language) - only English is available, though you can select the preferred version e.g. Australian, American, British, etc.
- Default Project Timezone - update Project Timezone
- Upload Project Logo - please note the logo uploaded here will override the logo uploaded in the Subscription Settings in Cloud. JPEG or PNG files will work here.
Click "OK" to save update.
3) Click on the next tab "Quality Assurance Control" where you can update the following parameters:
- Enable Primary Tags - Since version 11.173 Primary Tags no longer serves any useful purpose, and can completely be replaced by Custom Registers. compatibility is maintained for existing projects, but it is not recommended to continue using these in new projects as they will eventually be removed from the application
- Use Date Work Started to Identify Pre-opened Lots - Use this option to control how lots are reported by including or excluding pre-opened lots. When this option is activated, it will enable a new standard view in the Lot register that shows only pre-opened lots.
- Allow Lot Conformance with Unapproved NCR / Unfinished TR/ Unapproved ATP - Option to set the allowance for which lots can be conformed
- Require Completed or Closed Out Checklist for Conformance - if selected, a lot can only be conformed when all the checklist items have been completed ( i.e. checked, verified and approved) or if the checklist is closed out.
- Guarantee Lot Checks - option to prompt the user to unguarantee lots older than a set number of days during the progress claim
- Auto Unguarantee Days - this is used with the above option " Guarantee Lot Checks" to set the number of days to prompt unguarantee lots
- Set Custom Lot Number String - this can be used to Create Custom Lot Numbers Using Custom Registers. Use this with care as it'll change your Lot Numbering Format.
- Custom Lot Rejected Status - this field can be used to customize your choice of words for Lot Rejected status e.g. Withdrawn, and the action to reject a Lot e.g. Withdraw. So, using this example, the value to enter would be Withdrawn|Withdraw.
- Text for Lot Conformance Sign Off - allows the text to be changed in the Lot Conformance report sign off from the default
- NCR root cause - By adding a list of comma separated values, the default option list of NCR root causes can be overridden when creating a new NCR . The default options are Not Specified, Personnel or Training, Materials, Methods or Process, Machinery or Plant, Environmental or Conditions.
Checklists and ITPs
- Require Admin Permission for Editing ITPs - restrict users with admin level permission only to edit ITPs
- Disable Prompt When ITP Changed - use this option to disable prompts to update the version number when an ITP is changed
- Require Approved ITPs for Checklists - when selected only allows ITPs that have been approved to be added to Lots
- Do not show dates on checklists / Do not include chainage in checklist description - self-explanatory options
Checklist Checked/Verified/Approved by Text - this replaces the text "Checked", "Verified" and "Approved" on the Checklist reports with the text that you enter in the fields
Note : These settings apply across the whole project, there is no option to set this on a per Lot basis.
Click "OK" to save update.
4) Under the "Cost Control" tab, you can update the settings for your purchase order. However, more often than not, most users would use the same Cost settings for all projects, and not just for one project. Hence, refer to Manage Cross Project Settings on how to set your Cost Control Settings across all projects.
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