The Administrator can remove a user from a project or mark a user inactive.
Removing a user from a project will not remove any historical records related to that user in that project. Please note that if a user is NOT linked to ANY project in CivilPro, even if their profile is still Active, they will NOT be able to sign in to CivilPro.
Note: Please be aware that if a user is assigned more than one role to the same project, the higher level of Access and Authority will apply. Also, if one of the roles has these authorities ("Limit Ncr View To Published" and/or "Limit TestReq View To Completed") selected, the restrictions will override all the related Ncr and Test Request permissions in the other roles. If you have assigned a user in more than one role to the same project, please remove the excess roles by using the instructions below.
Remove a User from a Project
Method 1 - Using Settings on the Project Register
1. Under Projects, click on the “Wheel” icon next to the relevant project.
2. Click on the “Users” tab. Click on the “Three Dots” icon next to the user you want to remove.
Click on the tab “Remove User From Project” and “Save”.
Method 2 - Via TEAM
1. After signing in to CivilPro, click on “Team”.
2. Select the user and click on the "Related Items" icon on the right panel.
3. From the Related Items panel, you can view the user’s active projects. Under the project, click on the orange icon next to the role to delink the user.
4. Select “Yes” to confirm the delinking.
Mark a User Inactive
1. On the left panel in the main menu, click on “Team”.
Note: The names of the users are arranged in alphabetical order. Navigate the pages by clicking on the page number at the bottom right of the page.
2. Right-click on the user to be marked inactive. Select (left-click) “Mark User Inactive” from the dropdown list.
3. The “Active” box next to the user will now be unticked.
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