An Administrator can delink a user’s existing role from a project and relink them in another role within a project. This is changing a user's role linked to a project.
Changing a user’s role in a project will not remove any historical records related to the user in that project.
Note: Please be aware that if a user is assigned more than one role to the same project, the higher level of Access and Authority will apply. Also, if one of the roles has these authorities ("Limit Ncr View To Published" and/or "Limit TestReq View To Completed") selected, the restrictions will override all the related Ncr and Test Request permissions in the other roles. For this reason, do not assign multiple roles to the same user in the same project unless you are sure that there are no conflicts in their Access and Authority.
Delink a User from existing role
1. After signing in to CivilPro, click on “Team”.
2. Select the user and click on the "Related Items" icon on the right panel.
3. From the Related Items panel, you can view the user’s active projects. Under the project, click on the orange icon next to the role to delink the user.
4. Select “Yes” to confirm the delinking.
Relink the User in new role
1. Once the user is delinked from the old role, click on the link icon next to the project to relink the user.
2. You’ll be prompted to select the new role for the user. Tick the box next to the role and click “Save”.
3. Select the user again to view the updated role on the Related Items panel.
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