Schedule Items (also known as Payment Items) provide all the information such as description of work, quantity expected to be built or completed, units of measurements and expected amount of payment for each unit of work, to be tracked against Lots and to be used for preparing Progress Claims.
Schedule Items can be added individually but more commonly, they are imported as a CSV file. It is essential that before the Schedule Items are imported, the file is prepared in the standard format to ensure all the values will be captured correctly and work properly in CivilPro Desktop (V11). Please read these articles to help you prepare your files for importing.
This process shows you how to:
1) Add Schedule Items Manually
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Method 1: Add Manually
1. Navigate to the Schedule Items register.
2. Click on “New Schedule Item” on the toolbar.
3. Select “Item” and enter the details in the fields. Click “ Save & close”.
- An item is considered to be a heading if it has no quantity and schedule rate, and is used to classify a group of related schedule items e.g. Provision For Traffic, Removal /Demolition, etc.
- Total Value (= Sell Total) will auto populate based on the Scheduled Quantity and Sell Rate entered.
- DJC Rate = Direct Job Costs Rate - skip this field if your Schedule Items do not include this item
4. After the new schedule item has been added, you can link it to related items such as Quantities, ITP, Work Types or Variations.
Select the Schedule Item to link, click on the “Views” tab, then “Show related items”.
The “Related Data” panel will open on the right. Double-click on the item to link e.g. Work Types, a dialog box will open to show the list of Work Types to link. Double-click on the item to link or select the item and click “Link Selected”. Click “Close”.
Tip: if you ticked the box “Close on double click” at the top of the dialog box, the dialog box will close when you double click on the item.
Method 2: Import from a CSV file
1. In the same register, click on the dropdown arrow next to “Import schedule” and select “Import schedule (as child)”. You can right-click on the register to select the same.
Note: Select “Import (structured)” only if you are importing CPX files that were previously exported from V10 or previous projects in V11.
2. By default, Import data from a CSV file is selected. Click “Next”.
3. Before you import the file, you must have already created and saved a copy of your CSV file in a designated folder. Select the file from your folder and click “Open” as shown below.
4. Right-click on each Heading and select the value from the dropdown list that fits the data in that column. In this example, the Headings will be updated as follows:
- Column 1 - Schedule Number
- Column 2 – Description
- Column 3 – Qty Scheduled
- Column 4 – Unit
- Column 5 – DJC Rate (DJC Rate = Direct Job Costs Rate - skip this heading if your Schedule Items do not include this item)
- Column 6 – Sell rate
Click “Import”.
Note: If your spreadsheet has the first row as headers, tick the box “First row is header”.
5. Click “Finish”.
6. You can now view the imported scheduled items on your register. If the data do not appear, click on the “Reload data” icon at the bottom of the screen.
7. After importing, we can further organize the schedule as follows:
a) Define Headings
b) Create Structure
c) Prepend Characters
7a) Define Headings
This highlights the headings for easier reference in your register . Headings are usually the rows without quantities and any rates.
First select all the items in the schedule by pressing “Shift” and select the items. Under Schedule Operations, click on “Define headings”. In the dialog box, select “Schedule Quantity is zero or empty” as the criteria for heading rows. Click “OK”.
7b-i) Create Structure
You can subcategorize the schedule items by creating a Parent and Child relationship between the items.
Before you can do this, you’ll need to unlock the schedule (Views tab – Unlock schedule) and enable editing as shown below. You can right-click on the register to select the same.
7b-ii) You can place an item as a sub-items ( as a child item) of a Heading by :
- Clicking and dragging the triangle on the left of the selected item ( you can select more than one at a time) to the Heading, until a green arrow appears before releasing the item, or
- Selecting the sub-item, then using keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “Right Arrow” to create an indent. To reverse the indent, use “Ctrl” + “Left Arrow”.
Note: When using the drag and drop option, if you drop the items when the arrow is blue, the items may be re-ordered depending on where you place the arrow. Using the keyboard shortcut could reduce the chances of making these mistakes.
Note: You can hide and unhide the sub-items by clicking on the arrow to the left of the Main Heading.
7c) Prepend Characters
If you have two schedules (e.g. Schedule A and B) for one project and wish to differentiate the items according to each schedule, you can prepend a character as the schedule identifier to each of the items easily. In the example below, we are prepending the letter A to all the items under Schedule A.
First, use Shift + select ( click on the small triangle on the far left of each row) to select all the items to prepend. Under “Schedule Operations”, click on “ Prepend Characters”. (Alternatively, right-click on the register to select “Schedule Operations” and select “Prepend Characters”).
In the dialog box, enter the character to prepend, in this example, we are entering “A” for Schedule A items. Click “Ok”.
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