This process shows you how to add an ITP manually. For importing ITP, please refer to "Import ITP".
Related Link:
1. Navigate to the Specifications (ITP) register
2. Click on “New ITP” at the bottom of the screen.
Enter your ITP details in the following fields of the “New ITP” dialog box:
- Description (Mandatory)
- ITP Doc No
- QVC Doc No
- Spec Reference
Click “OK”. (Note: Revision Date and ID only applies when you are updating an existing ITP)
3. Click on the “Enable Editing” icon at the far-left bottom of the screen or right-click on the row to select the same.
Click on “Add ITP item” on the top toolbar.
In the first two columns, click on the arrow next to each item to select the relevant “Item Type” and “Hold Point and Witness Point Check” from the dropdown lists.
Enter the details in the remaining fields as required:
- Description
- Clause
- Responsibility
- Records
- Method of Inspection
- Reference Text (for additional reference, if applicable)
Tick the following options, where applicable:
- ITP? (ticked by default) (Care : Please note that unticking this option will lead to the items not reflected in your ITP report and checklist).
Note : "Has Tests? " column is a read only field that is checked if the Specification detail item has any attached testing
4. Select the options for the following in the toolbar:
- Check Required
- Verify Required
- Approve Required
The items will be highlighted in blue when selected.
Alternatively, you can select these options by changing the View to display the columns and tick the boxes accordingly ( Refer to the next step on how to change the view)
(We are not adding a test here as this will be shown in another module “ Add Tests to ITP”).
5. Click on the “View” tab to select your preferred view, then “Save view”.
Note : To go back to the ITP register, click on the “X” at the top right corner of the dialog box.
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